Mornings are my favorite time with my kids. They usually wake up crying because they are starving from not eating all night, but after that first bottle they are all smiles and giggles. We play, sing songs and have a wonderful time. I try and remember these times in the afternoon when they are screaming their heads off and so grouchy. It is definitely the little things that make life wonderful!
Day 1: A recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts about me Hmmm 15 interesting things about me. I am not sure I am that interesting but here it goes. 1. Cooking and baking are very therapeutic to me. 2. I spent a year in Belgium after high school. 3. Apparently twins run in my family :) 4. I collect The Bernstein Bears children's books. I own almost all of them. 5. I can touch my tongue to my nose. 6. But I am not able to curl my tongue. 7. I would love to write a book one day. So many ideas in my head for books. 8. I am a half marathoner. 9. Faith is a huge part of my life even though I don't go to church. 10. One of my biggest regrets is not finishing college. Someday. 11. Fall is my favorite time of year 12. I love to scrapbook but have not done it in years. 13. I have never broken a bone in my life. 14. I had 4 pet rats growing up. T...
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