Day 1: A recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts about me
Hmmm 15 interesting things about me. I am not sure I am that interesting but here it goes.
1. Cooking and baking are very therapeutic to me.
2. I spent a year in Belgium after high school.
3. Apparently twins run in my family :)
4. I collect The Bernstein Bears children's books. I own almost all of them.
5. I can touch my tongue to my nose.
6. But I am not able to curl my tongue.
7. I would love to write a book one day. So many ideas in my head for books.
8. I am a half marathoner.
9. Faith is a huge part of my life even though I don't go to church.
10. One of my biggest regrets is not finishing college. Someday.
11. Fall is my favorite time of year
12. I love to scrapbook but have not done it in years.
13. I have never broken a bone in my life.
14. I had 4 pet rats growing up. They make great pets.
15. Sometimes I think about my life and wonder how I got so lucky.
Nice! Love that you're blogging, keep it up.