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Blogging has bested me :)

So my attempt to create and maintain a blog has been a totally failure.  I am pretty sure that Facebook has been the problem.  Facebook so so instant.  Instant gratification.  I really have to do no work to post pictures or let people know what is going on with me life.  I am not sure I like this.  So I am changing my means of communication in hopes that I can express myself and keep family and friends up to date with the happenings of the Harris'.  

So here is to a new year and hopefully a successful blog!

My little walker!


  1. I totally understand Lisa. Good luck for the future of your blog. If it helps, I try and pick themes that kind of require me to post regularly. Lately it's been working, but it's not fail proof. I'll keep reading no matter how often you blog :)

  2. Thanks Megan! I hope I can keep up. I love writing so it should be easy, but not.


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