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Showing posts from 2011

Day 9: Something you're proud of in the past few days

Day 9: Something you're proud of in the past few days Clearly I am not good at this blogging stuff yet but I am trying.  It is hard to get to the computer while running around after two kids all day.  Well I guess it is not running around yet because they are not walking.  They are so close to crawling though and that scares me.  I just know when they figure it out they are going to take off in different  directions and then I am really screwed.   Alright on to something I am proud of.  I have been making my own Baby Food in the past month and I have really been trying to get C&D used to eating different kinds of food with different textures.  I am proud to say that both Cadence and Dexter are great eaters so far.  I try to feed them solids 3 times a day and so far they have loved everything I have made for them.  I am so excited for this journey and hope they both love food as much as I do.  I can't wait to have tw...

Day 8: Short term goals for this month and why

Clearly I have neglected this blog but a lot of it has to do with our broken computer at home which hubby plans to fix this weekend.  Goals are always hard for me because I feel like I never reach them and if I don't then I am a big fat failure.  So I will give myself so easy goals for this month.  1. Start to take more pictures.  Cadence and Dexter are almost 6 months old and I have totally neglected taking pictures in the past two months.  These babes are going to be a year old before I know it.  2. Try to make it to the gym 3 days a week.  My ass will thank me. :) 3. Find a new sewing project to use my new snazzy machine.   Ok, those are my goals.  Pretty easy I hope but we will see.  As for life these days it is filled with sleepless nights (still), starting solid foods, and lots of laughter and love.  Can't get much better than that.  

Day 7: A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact of you

Day 7: A picture of someone/something  that has the biggest impact of you Well this one is pretty simple.  These two sure have made a huge impact on my life.  A year ago kids were just a thought in my mind and never did I think I would have twins.  I feel so blessed to have Cadence and Dexter in my life.  Each day brings new joys and frustrations.  I love them both so much and can't imagine life without them.  As I sit here writing this Dexter has just woken up from his nap so this will be a short post.  Family is everything! 

Day 6: Favorite super hero and why

Day 6: Favorite super hero and why My favorite super hero, is all of the great teachers I have had throughout school including my Mom.  I know this is not your typical super hero but I believe a good education is a great foundation for life.  I have had so many great teachers in the past years.  From my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Cox to my wacky 7th grade history teacher Mr. Hagopian, to my chemistry teach in high school Mr. Siddens.     I believe these are the true super hero's of today.  These people put so much time and effort into their jobs and what they believe in that I just want to say thank you to all of my teachers and the knowledge they have given me.   Love you Mom!

Day 5: A picture of somewhere you have been to

Day 5: A picture of somewhere you have been to In March of 2009 my family and I went on a wonderful trip to Costa Rica.  We stayed at this amazing house the backed up to the jungle.  On our very first day at the house we had monkeys come to the house.  We spent just a little over a week in Manuel Antonio and it was amazing.  Truly one of the best trips I have ever been on. What made is so special was that my entire family came including my nephew who had just turned two.  We ate amazing food, saw the national park and of course spent many days at the amazing beaches.   Someday I hope to return to Costa Rica to explore a new area and see some more of the rain forest.  Of course this is if I can convince Rich to return ;)  I remember traveling with my family as a child and have such fond memories of our family vacations.  I hope we can explore new places with Cadence and Dexter through...

Day 4: A habit you wish you didn't have

Day 4: A habit you wish you didn't have For as long as I can remember I have always picked my nails.  I remember looking at pictures from when I was younger and seeing how deformed my thumb nails looked.  I mostly just pick at my thumb nails but recently have started picking other nails.  I was always embarrassed by this habit and have never had a manicure in my life.   I am proud to say that in the past year I have quit picking my thumb nails and their are beginning to look more normal.  I am to the point of where I would want to get a manicure because they finally look right.  I just need to get my other nails under control.  Overall this habit is a work in progress and I am working on it and hope one day I will have it under control.   And now just a cute picture of Dexter because he is just sooo cute.

Day 3: A picture of you and your friends

Well I already missed Day 3 somehow.  Things go busy this weekend with the kids and family stuff.  Once Cadence and Dexter go to bed at night it is hard to find motivation to write anything.  So here is Day 3 on Day 4.  Day 3: A picture of you and your friends Each year we look forward to going camping with our friends.  It is a time to relax and enjoy life.  I really hope that we can take Cadence and Dexter on some camping trips in the years to come since it is such a huge part of our lives.  

Day 1: A recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Day 1: A recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts about me Hmmm 15 interesting things about me.  I am not sure I am that interesting but here it goes.   1. Cooking and baking are very therapeutic to me. 2. I spent a year in Belgium after high school. 3. Apparently twins run in my family :) 4. I collect The Bernstein Bears children's books.  I own almost all of them. 5. I can touch my tongue to my nose.   6. But I am not able to curl my tongue. 7. I would love to write a book one day.  So many ideas in my head for books.   8. I am a half marathoner. 9. Faith is a huge part of my life even though I don't go to church. 10. One of my biggest regrets is not finishing college.  Someday. 11. Fall is my favorite time of year 12. I love to scrapbook but have not done it in years. 13. I have never broken a bone in my life. 14. I had 4 pet rats growing up.  T...

A New Journey

Tick, tick, tick, as I sit here listening to this swing Cadence is sleeping in  I feel so blessed to have my wonderful children.  I can't believe Cadence and Dexter are already three months old.  The time has really flown by.  Each day bring new challenges and new surprises.  I never thought that I would be so interested or excited about the color of poop or what a certain cry means.  Being a Mom is one of the hardest jobs I have ever had.  I feel more love, guilt and just overall emotion every day.  The smiles and giggles from Cadence and Dexter make everything worth it.        Dexter Cadence

....and babies make four!

Well Rich and I are about to start our journey as parents this summer and we are so excited. We found out in early November that I was pregnant. I could not believe it. I really did not think it would happen so quickly but we are truly blessed and so happy. Our first appointment was in mid Dec and we were excited to see how our little bean was growing. Little did we know that at that appointment we would get one of the biggest shocks of our lives. The first thing we found out at our appointment was that we are having twins. It was crazy to see two babies on the screen, but there they were. We had to go for some more testing to make sure there were only two babies and that everything looked normal. We were relived to hear that there were only two and both were healthy and strong. I hope to keep a log of my appointments and my journey through this process. I have read up on twins and have found out that my pregnancy won't be like a singleton pregnancy. I am nervous, excit...