Day 9: Something you're proud of in the past few days Clearly I am not good at this blogging stuff yet but I am trying. It is hard to get to the computer while running around after two kids all day. Well I guess it is not running around yet because they are not walking. They are so close to crawling though and that scares me. I just know when they figure it out they are going to take off in different directions and then I am really screwed. Alright on to something I am proud of. I have been making my own Baby Food in the past month and I have really been trying to get C&D used to eating different kinds of food with different textures. I am proud to say that both Cadence and Dexter are great eaters so far. I try to feed them solids 3 times a day and so far they have loved everything I have made for them. I am so excited for this journey and hope they both love food as much as I do. I can't wait to have tw...